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Diagn. tratamento ; 28(3): 126-32, jul-set de 2023. tab 2
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1517921


Contextualização: As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) representam a principal causa de morte no Brasil e no mundo e a dieta mediterrânea (DM) surgiu como possibilidade de prevenção dessas doenças. Ela envolve o alto consumo de frutas, vegetais, frutos do mar, nozes, legumes, grãos e azeite, e ingestão moderada de vinho nas refeições, além de menor ingestão de carnes vermelhas e processadas, gordura saturada, doces e bebidas açucaradas. Objetivo: Avaliar a efetividade da DM para prevenção de DCV. Métodos: Trata-se de overview de revisões sistemáticas. Procedeu-se à busca por estudos que associavam a DM às DCV em quatro bases eletrônicas de dados: Cochrane - Central de Registros de Ensaios Clínicos - CENTRAL (2023), PubMed (1966-2023), Portal BVS (1982-2023) e EMBASE (1974-2023). Dois pesquisadores, independentemente extraíram os dados e avaliaram a qualidade dos estudos para a síntese. O desfecho primário de análise envolveu a prevenção de doença cardiovascular e a redução de mortalidade. Resultados: 5 revisões sistemáticas foram incluídas, totalizando 74 ensaios clínicos (n = 124.820) e 16 coortes prospectivas (n = 722.495). Discussão: Embora os estudos incluídos relatem benefícios favoráveis à DM para prevenção de DCV, as evidências são de baixa a moderada qualidade, diante da heterogeneidade e fragilidades metodológicas. Sugere-se a realização de novos estudos clínicos com padronização de relato dos resultados. Conclusão: Parece haver benefício da DM para prevenção de DCV, mas diante das evidências limitadas, há incertezas que tornam lícita a recomendação por novos ensaios clínicos com comparação a outras dietas, para maior robustez dos achados.

Diet, Mediterranean , Heart Diseases , Clinical Trial , Disease Prevention , Evidence-Based Practice
Arch. pediatr. Urug ; 94(2): e601, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1520098


El pectus excavatum (PEX) es una deformación de la pared torácica que obedece a una alteración de los cartílagos costales con el consiguiente hundimiento del esternón. Históricamente, se clasificaba como un defecto únicamente estético o cosmético, sin embargo, en los últimos años se han desarrollado nuevos métodos de estudio para la valoración de las repercusiones de esta patología. Existe cada vez más bibliografía que demuestra importantes repercusiones funcionales. Se realizó una puesta al día de las repercusiones cardíacas de la patología y un análisis de los artículos más relevantes de los últimos años. La evidencia actual permite afirmar que existe una afectación cardíaca por compresión esternal en la mayoría de los pacientes con PEX. Las afectaciones incluyen alteraciones anatomofuncionales (trastornos del ritmo, disminución del llenado ventricular), del volumen sistólico, aumento de la presión de la aurícula derecha, valvulopatías, compresión del ventrículo derecho, derrame pericárdico, entre otras. Todo lo cual permite concluir que el PEX puede presentar importantes alteraciones cardíacas que deben ser tenidas en cuenta a la hora de valorar los pacientes con esta patología.

Pectus excavatum (PEX) is a deformation of the chest wall caused by an alteration of the costal cartilages with the consequent collapse of the sternum. Historically, it had been classified as a solely aesthetic or cosmetic defect, however, in recent years new study methods have been developed to assess the repercussions of this pathology, with increasing bibliography showing important functional consequences. We updated the cardiac pathological repercussions and analyzed the most relevant articles of recent years. The current evidence suggests that there is cardiac involvement due to sternal compression in most patients with PEX. These affectations include anatomical functional alterations: rhythm disorders, decreased ventricular filling, decreased stroke volume, increased right atrial pressure, valve disease, right ventricular compression, pericardial effusion, among others. All of which enables us to conclude that PEX can present important cardiac alterations that must be taken into account when assessing patients with this pathology.

Pectus excavatum (PEX) é uma deformação da parede torácica decorrente de uma alteração das cartilagens costais com consequente colapso do esterno. Historicamente, foi classificado como um defeito exclusivamente estético ou cosmético, porém, nos últimos anos, novos métodos de estudo foram desenvolvidos para avaliar as repercussões dessa patologia, com crescente bibliografia mostrando importantes repercussões funcionais. Foi realizada uma atualização das repercussões cardíacas da patologia e análise dos artigos mais relevantes dos últimos anos. As evidências atuais permitem afirmar que há acometimento cardíaco por compressão esternal na maioria dos pacientes com PEX. As afecções incluem alterações anatomofuncionais: distúrbios do ritmo, diminuição do enchimento ventricular, diminuição do volume sistólico, aumento da pressão atrial direita, doença valvular, compressão do ventrículo direito, derrame pericárdico, entre outras. Tudo isso permite concluir que o PEX pode apresentar alterações cardíacas importantes que devem ser levadas em consideração na avaliação de pacientes com essa patologia.

Humans , Funnel Chest/complications , Heart Diseases/etiology , Funnel Chest/physiopathology , Heart Diseases/physiopathology
Rev. urug. cardiol ; 38(1): e302, 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1522875


La amiloidosis cardíaca (AC) es una enfermedad con mal pronóstico si el tratamiento no se inicia de forma temprana, por lo que una de las asignaturas pendientes en esta enfermedad consiste en realizar un diagnóstico precoz. El electrocardiograma (ECG) es una prueba diagnóstica de bajo costo y amplia disponibilidad que nos permite sospechar esta enfermedad, dado que resulta normal en < 5% de los pacientes. El hallazgo clásico es la presencia de bajos voltajes en relación con la gran hipertrofia que se observa en las pruebas de imagen, así como el conocido patrón de pseudoinfarto. Ambos hallazgos son más frecuentes en el subtipo de amiloidosis por cadenas ligeras, que era el más frecuentemente diagnosticado en el pasado. Sin embargo, con la expansión del diagnóstico no invasivo del subtipo a transtiretina, su identificación ha crecido de forma exponencial y se convirtió en el más diagnosticado con más frecuencia en nuestro medio. Se debe prestar especial atención a todos estos hallazgos electrocardiográficos, con el fin de que esta prueba diagnóstica de sencilla obtención pueda contribuir de forma importante a la sospecha y al diagnóstico precoz de la AC.

Cardiac amyloidosis (CA) is a serious disease with a poor prognosis if treatment is not started early, so one of the pending issues in this condition is to make an early diagnosis. The electrocardiogram (EKG) is an inexpensive and widely available diagnostic test that can offer differential data when suspecting this disease, being normal in < 5% of these patients. The classic EKG finding is the presence of low voltages in relation to the large hypertrophy seen on imaging tests, as well as the well-known pseudoinfarct pattern. Both findings are more frequent in the light chain subtype of CA, which was the most frequently diagnosed in the past. However, with the growth of noninvasive diagnostic tests, the identification of the transtyretin subtype has grown exponentially, becoming the most frequently diagnosed in our setting. Special attention should be paid to all these electrocardiographic findings, so that this simple diagnostic test can make an important contribution to the early suspicion and diagnosis of CA.

A amiloidose cardíaca (AC) é uma doença grave com um mau prognóstico no caso de não se iniciar tratamento de forma precoce, pelo que a necessidade de um pronto diagnóstico é imperiosa. Quando se suspeita desta doença, o eletrocardiograma (ECG) é um teste de diagnóstico pouco dispendioso e disponível em todo o mundo, que pode fornecer dados discriminativos importantes, sendo normal em menos de 5% dos casos. O achado clássico do ECG é a presença de baixas voltagens em relação à grande hipertrofia vista na imagem, bem como o conhecido padrão de pseudoinfarte. Ambos os resultados são mais frequentes no subtipo a cadenas ligeras, o mais frequentemente diagnosticado no passado. No entanto, com o aumento dos testes de diagnóstico não-invasivos, o diagnóstico ddo subtipo a transtirretina, o mais cresceu de forma exponencial, tornando-se o mais frequentemente diagnosticado no nosso meio. Deve ser dada especial atenção a todos estes achados eletrocardiográficos já que esta prova de diagnóstico de fácil obtenção pode contribuir de forma importante para a suspeição de diagnóstico precoce de AC.

Humans , Electrocardiography , Heart Diseases/diagnosis , Amyloidosis/diagnosis
Rev. urug. cardiol ; 38(1): e301, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | BNUY, UY-BNMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1442150


La amiloidosis cardíaca es una miocardiopatía restrictiva infiltrativa secundaria al depósito extracelular de amiloide. Las diferentes técnicas de imagen cardíaca permiten la evaluación de forma no invasiva. El ecocardiograma juega un rol central en la evaluación diagnóstica, pronóstica y ayuda a guiar el tratamiento. El objetivo de este artículo de revisión es describir las diferentes herramientas que nos brinda la ecocardiografía, poniendo énfasis en el strain por speckle tracking y describir su rol en el diagnóstico de esta patología.

Cardiac amyloidosis is an infiltrative restrictive cardiomyopathy secondary to extracellular amyloid deposition. Different cardiac imaging techniques allow noninvasive evaluation. Echocardiography plays a central role in diagnostic and prognostic evaluation and helps to guide treatment. The aim of this review is to describe the different tools provided by echocardiography, with emphasis on speckle tracking strain and to describe its role in the diagnosis of this pathology.

A amiloidose cardíaca é uma cardiomiopatia restritiva infiltrativa secundária ao depósito de amiloide extracelular. Diferentes técnicas de imagem cardíaca permitem fazer uma análise não invasiva. A ecocardiografia desempenha um papel central no diagnóstico e na avaliação prognóstica e ajuda a orientar o tratamento. O objetivo deste artigo de revisão é descrever as diferentes ferramentas proporcionadas pela ecocardiografia, com ênfase no strain por speckle tracking, e descrever o seu papel no diagnóstico desta patologia.

Echocardiography, Doppler/methods , Heart Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Amyloidosis/diagnostic imaging , Prognosis , Sensitivity and Specificity , Echocardiography, Transesophageal/methods
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(3): 1147-1163, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425447


A Insuficiência Cardíaca (IC) é uma das principais causas de internação hospitalar no mundo e tem um elevado grau de morbidade e mortalidade, sendo um grave problema de saúde pública. Os lncRNAs (RNAs longo não codificantes), têm funções regulatórias transcricionais e/ou pós transcricionais bem complexas e que ainda não são totalmente claras, mas que podem exercer influência sobre as doenças cardiovasculares, dentre elas a IC. Assim o estudo teve como objetivo identificar na literatura o papel dos lncRNAs na patogênese da IC por meio de uma revisão integrativa com busca sistemática. Foram considerados elegíveis para leitura e composição do estudo 33 artigos e os principais papéis dos lncRNA na IC foram relatados como possíveis marcadores biológicos para diagnóstico e prognóstico da doença devido a sua expressividade na corrente sanguínea. Além disso, os lncRNAs podem estar relacionados à capacidade funcional uma vez que o aumento ou diminuição de sua expressão promove redução da apoptose de células endoteliais, melhora a disfunção cardíaca, distúrbios de contratilidade e dos canais de cálcio em pacientes com IC. Portanto, os lncRNAs parecem estar envolvidos na patogênese e/ou fisiopatologia da IC, podendo ser utilizados como biomarcadores genéticos com sensibilidade e especificidade semelhantes ou superiores aos empregados atualmente no diagnóstico e prognóstico da IC.

Heart Failure (HF) is one of the main causes of hospitalization worldwide and has a high degree of morbidity and mortality being considered a public health pro- blem. lncRNAs (non-coding long RNAs) have very complex transcriptional and/or post- transcriptional regulatory functions that are still not entirely clear but may influence car- diovascular diseases, including HF. Thus, the study aimed to identify in the literature the role of lncRNAs in the pathogenesis of HF through an integrative review with a systema- tic search. A total of 33 articles were considered eligible for reading and composition of the study. The roles of lncRNA in HF were reported as possible biological markers for the diagnosis and prognosis of the disease due to its expressiveness in the bloodstream. In addition, lncRNAs may be related to functional capacity since the increase or decrease in their expression promotes a reduction in endothelial cell apoptosis, and improves car- diac dysfunction, contractility, and calcium channel disorders in patients with HF. The- refore, lncRNAs seem to be involved in the pathogenesis and/or pathophysiology of HF and can be used as genetic biomarkers with sensitivity and specificity similar or superior to those currently employed in the diagnosis and prognosis of HF.

La Insuficiencia Cardiaca (IC) es una de las principales causas de hospita- lización en el mundo y tiene un alto grado de morbimortalidad considerándose un pro- blema de salud pública. Los lncRNAs (ARN largos no codificantes) tienen funciones re- guladoras transcripcionales y/o post-transcripcionales muy complejas que aún no están del todo claras pero que pueden influir en las enfermedades cardiovasculares, incluida la IC. Así pues, el estudio se propuso identificar en la literatura el papel de los lncRNAs en la patogénesis de la IC mediante una revisión integradora con una búsqueda sistemática. Un total de 33 artículos fueron considerados elegibles para su lectura y composición del estudio. Las funciones de los lncRNA en la IC se señalaron como posibles marcadores biológicos para el diagnóstico y pronóstico de la enfermedad debido a su expresividad en el torrente sanguíneo. Además, los lncRNAs pueden estar relacionados con la capacidad funcional, ya que el aumento o disminución de su expresión promueve una reducción de la apoptosis de las células endoteliales y mejora la disfunción cardiaca, la contractilidad y los trastornos de los canales de calcio en pacientes con IC. Por tanto, los lncRNAs parecen estar implicados en la patogénesis y/o fisiopatología de la IC y pueden ser utili- zados como biomarcadores genéticos con sensibilidad y spe-cificidad similares o superi- ores a los empleados actualmente en el diagnóstico y pronóstico de la IC.

Heart Failure/diagnosis , Heart Failure/physiopathology , Patients/psychology , Review Literature as Topic , Biomarkers , Cardiovascular Diseases/diagnosis , Gene Expression , Public Health/statistics & numerical data , Heart Diseases/diagnosis , Hospitalization
Rev. int. sci. méd. (Abidj.) ; 25(1): 72-77, 2023. tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1442350


. Les maladies non transmissibles chez le sujet âgé sont négligées en Afrique car l'espérance de vie n'était aussi élevée qu'aujourd'hui. Quel en était donc le panorama, il y a 10 ans ? Objectif : Améliorer les connaissances des maladies non transmissibles et des comorbidités chez les sujets âgés. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale, rétrospective à visée descriptive du 1er janvier 2009 au 31 décembre 2013 dans le service de Médecine Interne du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bouaké (CHU). Elle portait sur 151 patients hypertendus âgés de 65 ans et plus. Résultats. L'âge moyen était de 75 ans avec des extrêmes de 65 ans et 93 ans. Le sex-ratio était de 1,07. Les comorbidités étaient marquées principalement par le diabète (47%). Les motifs d'hospitalisation étaient dominés par les signes neurologiques (70%). L'hypertension artérielle (HTA) systolique isolée représentait 48% et l'HTA de grade III 23%. Ses principales complications étaient les accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC) (62%) et les cardiopathies (32%). Ces AVC étaient surtout ischémiques (78%). L'HTA était associée à d'autres facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire (78%) notamment la pression pulsée (52%) et le diabète (47%). Les Inhibiteurs de l'enzyme de conversion (IEC) étaient les plus prescrits (64%). La mortalité était de 23%. Conclusion. Les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire constituent depuis plus de 10 ans à Bouaké, la morbidité mais surtout la mortalité des séniors, du fait de la gravité de leurs complications.

Humans , Noncommunicable Diseases , Hypertension , Cross-Sectional Studies , Arterial Pressure , Heart Diseases
Frontiers of Medicine ; (4): 58-67, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971626


The current organ allocation rules prioritize elderly and urgent patients on the lung transplantation (LT) waiting list. A steady increase in the threshold at which age is taken into consideration for LT has been observed. This retrospective cohort study recruited 166 lung transplant recipients aged ≽ 65 years between January 2016 and October 2020 in the largest LT center in China. In the cohort, subgroups of patients aged 65-70 years (111 recipients, group 65-70) and ≽ 70 years (55 recipients, group ≽ 70) were included. Group D restrictive lung disease was the main indication of a lung transplant in recipients over 65 years. A significantly higher percentage of coronary artery stenosis was observed in the group ≽ 70 (30.9% vs. 14.4% in group 65-70, P = 0.014). ECMO bridging to LT was performed in 5.4% (group 65-70) and 7.3% (group ≽ 70) of patients. Kaplan-Meier estimates showed that recipients with cardiac abnormalities had a significantly increased risk of mortality. After adjusting for potential confounders, cardiac abnormality was shown to be independently associated with the increased risk of post-LT mortality (HR 6.37, P = 0.0060). Our result showed that LT can be performed in candidates with an advanced age and can provide life-extending benefits.

Aged , Humans , East Asian People , Heart Diseases/etiology , Lung Transplantation/adverse effects , Retrospective Studies
Chinese Journal of Cardiology ; (12): 750-758, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984713


Objective: To investigate the diagnostic efficiency and clinical application value of an artificial intelligence-assisted diagnosis model based on a three-dimensional convolutional neural network (3D CNN) on echocardiographic videos of patients with hypertensive heart disease, chronic renal failure (CRF) and hypothyroidism with cardiac involvement. Methods: This study is a retrospective study. The patients with hypertensive heart disease, CRF and hypothyroidism with cardiac involvement, who admitted in Henan Provincial People's Hospital from April 2019 to October 2021, were enrolled. Patients were divided into hypertension group, CRF group, and hypothyroidism group. Additionally, a simple random sampling method was used to select control healthy individuals, who underwent physical examination at the same period. The echocardiographic video data of enrolled participants were analyzed. The video data in each group was divided into a training set and an independent testing set in a ratio of 5 to 1. The temporal and spatial characteristics of videos were extracted using an inflated 3D convolutional network (I3D). The artificial intelligence assisted diagnosis model was trained and tested. There was no case overlapped between the training and validation sets. A model was established according to cases or videos based on video data from 3 different views (single apical four chamber (A4C) view, single parasternal left ventricular long-axis (PLAX) view and all views). The statistical analysis of diagnostic performance was completed to calculate sensitivity, specificity and area under the ROC curve (AUC). The time required for the artificial intelligence and ultrasound physicians to process cases was compared. Results: A total of 730 subjects aged (41.9±12.7) years were enrolled, including 362 males (49.6%), and 17 703 videos were collected. There were 212 cases in the hypertensive group, 210 cases in the CRF group, 105 cases in the hypothyroidism group, and 203 cases in the normal control group. The diagnostic performance of the model predicted by cases based on single PLAX view and all views data was excellent: (1) in the hypertensive group, the sensitivity, specificity and AUC of models based on all views data were 97%, 89% and 0.93, respectively, while those of models based on a single PLAX view were 94%, 95%, and 0.94, respectively; (2) in the CRF group, the sensitivity, specificity and AUC of models based on all views data were 97%, 95% and 0.96, respectively, while those of models based on a single PLAX view were 97%, 89%, and 0.93, respectively; (3) in the hypothyroidism group, the sensitivity, specificity and AUC of models based on all views data were 64%, 100% and 0.82, respectively, while those of models based on a single PLAX view were 82%, 89%, and 0.86, respectively. The time required for the 3D CNN model to measure and analyze the echocardiographic videos of each subject was significantly shorter than that for the ultrasound physicians ((23.96±6.65)s vs. (958.25±266.17)s, P<0.001). Conclusions: The artificial intelligence assisted diagnosis model based on 3D CNN can extract the dynamic temporal and spatial characteristics of echocardiographic videos jointly, and quickly and efficiently identify hypertensive heart disease and cardiac changes caused by CRF and hypothyroidism.

Male , Humans , Artificial Intelligence , Retrospective Studies , Echocardiography/methods , Heart Diseases , Hypertension , Hypothyroidism
Chinese Journal of Cardiology ; (12): 656-661, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984699


Objective: To recognize the potential factors that contribute to the eradication of migraine headache in patients with patent foramen ovale (PFO) at one year after percutaneous closure. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted, which enrolled patients diagnosed with migraines and PFO at the Department of Structural Heart Disease, First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University between May 2016 and May 2018. The patients were segregated into two groups based on their response to treatment, and one group showed elimination of migraines while another did not. Elimination of migraines was defined as a Migraine Disability Assessment Score (MIDAS) score of 0 at one year postoperatively. Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) regression model was utilized to identify the predictive variables for migraine elimination post-PFO closure. Multiple logistic regression analysis was employed to determine the independent predictive factors. Results: The study enrolled a total of 247 patients, with an average age of (37.5±13.6) years, comprising 81 male individuals (32.8%). One year after closure, 148 patients (59.9%) reported eradication of their migraines. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that migraine with or without aura (OR=0.003 9, 95%CI 0.000 2-0.058 7, P=0.000 18), a history of antiplatelet medication use (OR=0.088 2, 95%CI 0.013 7-0.319 3, P=0.001 48) and resting right-to-left shunt (RLS) (OR=6.883 6, 95%CI 3.769 2-13.548 0, P<0.001) were identified as independent predictive factors for elimination of migraine. Conclusion: Migraine with or without aura, a history of antiplatelet medication use, and resting RLS are the independent prognostic factors associated with elimination of migraine. These results provide important clues for clinicians to choose the optimal treatment plan for PFO patients. However, further studies are needed to confirm these findings.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Foramen Ovale, Patent/surgery , Prospective Studies , Heart Diseases , Hospitals , Migraine Disorders/surgery
São Paulo; CABSIN; 2023. 53 p.
Monography in Portuguese | PIE, LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1516487


O mapa apresenta uma visão geral das evidências sobre os efeitos das Práticas Complementares e Integrativas de Saúde (PICS) para Doenças Cardiovasculares. A partir da caracterização de centenas de estudos na série de mapas de evidências das Medicinas Tradicionais, Complementares e Integrativas (MTCI/PICS), foram selecionados e incluídos neste mapa de evidências 208 estudos de revisão. Principais Achados: • As revisões avaliaram o efeito de 67 intervenções distribuídas em 4 grupos: Acupuntura e Auriculoterapia; Aromaterapia, Fitoterapia e Plantas Medicinais; Práticas Corporais da MTC e Yoga. • As intervenções foram associadas a 36 desfechos de saúde relacionados à doenças cardiovasculares distribuídos em 3 grupos: Doenças Crônicas, Doenças Nutricionais, Indicadores Fisiológicos e Metabólicos e Reabilitação/Cicatrização. • No total foram encontradas 424 associações entre intervenções, desfechos e efeitos nos estudos selecionados. A maior parte das associações foi com intervenções do grupo Plantas Medicinais (149 associações), seguido por Práticas Corporais Chinesas (93 associações), Yoga (79 associações), e Acupuntura e Auriculoterapia (27 associações) e Outras Terapias (76 associações). • Os desfechos que receberam maior número de associações foram: Pressão Arterial: 83 associações; Glicemia: 43 associações; Colesterol: 39 associações e Diabetes Mellitus: 25 associações.

Humans , Complementary Therapies , Cardiovascular Diseases/therapy , Heart Diseases , Plants, Medicinal , Phytotherapy , Medicine, Traditional
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ; (24): 614-624, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970530


Chronic heart failure(CHF) is a series of clinical syndromes in which various heart diseases progress to their end stage. Its morbidity and mortality are increasing year by year, which seriously threatens people's life and health. The diseases causing CHF are complex and varied, such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, cardiomyopathy and so on. It is of great significance to establish animal models of CHF according to different etiologies to explore the pathogenesis of CHF and develop drugs to prevent and treat CHF induced by different diseases. Therefore, based on the classification of the etiology of CHF, this paper summarizes the animal models of CHF widely used in recent 10 years, and the application of these animal models in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) research, in order to provide ideas and strategies for studying the pathogenesis and treatment of CHF, and provide ideas for TCM modernization research.

Animals , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Heart Failure , Heart Diseases , Chronic Disease , Models, Animal
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 393-400, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969919


Objective: To describe the prevalence of alcohol consumption and the burden of hemorrhagic stroke and hypertensive heart disease attributed to alcohol consumption in adults aged ≥20 years in 31 provinces in China from 2005 to 2018. Methods: Data from several national representative surveys was used to estimate provincial alcohol exposure level of adults aged ≥20 years from 2005 to 2018 by using kriging interpolation and locally weighted regression methods. Global disease burden research method and data, and China's death cause surveillance data were used to calculate the population attributable fraction (PAF) of hemorrhagic stroke and hypertensive heart disease and the deaths due to alcohol consumption in men and women aged ≥20 years in 31 provinces in China. China census data of 2010 were used to calculate the attributable standardized mortality rate. Results: In 2005 and 2018, the prevalence of alcohol consumption was 58.7% (95%CI: 57.8%-59.5%) and 58.4% (95%CI: 57.6%-59.3%), respectively, in men and 17.0% (95%CI: 16.6%-17.4%) and 18.7% (95%CI:18.1%-19.3%), respectively, in women. The daily alcohol intake was 24.6 (95%CI: 23.8-25.3) g and 27.7 (95%CI: 26.8-28.7) g, respectively, in men and 6.3 (95%CI: 6.0-6.5) g and 5.3 (95%CI: 5.0-5.6) g, respectively, in women. Alcohol exposure level was higher in the provinces in central and eastern China than in western provinces. The lowest exposure level was found in northwestern provinces. From 2005 to 2018, the PAF of hemorrhagic stroke death due to alcohol consumption increased from 5.5% to 6.8%, the attributable deaths increased from 50 200 to 59 100, while the PAF of hypertensive heart disease death due to alcohol consumption increased from 7.0% to 7.7%, the attributable deaths increased from 15 200 to 29 300. The PAF of hypertensive heart disease and hemorrhagic stroke was higher in men than in women, and in central and eastern provinces than in western provinces. In 2018, the standardized mortality rates of hemorrhagic stroke and hypertensive heart disease attributed to alcohol consumption were 4.58/100 000 and 2.11/100 000, respectively. Conclusions: The prevalence of alcohol consumption in men and daily alcohol intake of drinkers were relatively high in China, especially in eastern provinces. Alcohol exposure level was lower in women than in men. Regional measures should be taken to reduce the alcohol intakes in men and current drinkers in order to reduce the health problems caused by alcohol consumption.

Adult , Male , Humans , Female , Hemorrhagic Stroke , Hypertension/epidemiology , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Heart Diseases/epidemiology , China/epidemiology
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ; (24): 1792-1799, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981396


Arrhythmia is an external manifestation of cardiac electrophysiological disorder. It exists in healthy people and patients with various heart diseases, which is often associated with other cardiovascular diseases. The contraction and diastole of myocardium are inseparable from the movement of ions. There are many ion channels in the membrane and organelle membrane of myocardium. The dynamic balance of myocardial ions is vital in maintaining myocardial electrical homeostasis. Potassium ion channels that have a complex variety and a wide distribution are involved in the whole process of resting potential and action potential of cardiomyocytes. Potassium ion channels play a vital role in maintaining normal electrophysiological activity of myocardium and is one of the pathogenesis of arrhythmia. Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)has unique advantages in treating arrhythmia for its complex active components and diverse targets. A large number of TCM preparations have definite effect on treating arrhythmia-related diseases, whose antiarrhythmic mechanism may be related to the effect on potassium channel. This article mainly reviewed the relevant studies on the active components in TCM acting on different potassium channels to provide references for clinical drug use and development.

Humans , Potassium Channels , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Anti-Arrhythmia Agents/therapeutic use , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/drug therapy , Heart Diseases/drug therapy , Ions
Natal; s.n; 31 ago. 2022. 50 p. tab, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1532452


Objetivos: Um ensaio clínico controlado, cego e randomizado foi desenvolvido para avaliar os efeitos cardiovasculares em pacientes saudáveis e com hipertensão submetidos à exodontia por via alveolar utilizando lidocaína com epinefrina 1:100.000. Materiais e métodos: Vinte pacientes foram divididos em grupos experimental (GE ­ pacientes hipertensos) e controle (GC ­ pacientes normotensos). As variáveis analisadas foram a frequência cardíaca (FC), saturação de oxigênio (SO2), pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica (PAsis e PAdias), concentração sérica de catecolaminas (dopamina, epinefrina e norepinefrina), extrassístoles ventriculares e supraventriculares (ESV e ESSV respectivamente) e depressão do segmento do ST. Os dados foram colhidos em três momentos distintos: inicial, transoperatório (trans) e final. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas para a mensuração das catecolaminas, e um aparelho de Holter foi utilizado para coleta de dados do eletrocardiograma incluindo um período de avaliação de 24 horas pós-operatório. Foram utilizados o teste de Mann-Whitney para identificar diferenças entre os grupos e o teste de Friedman com o pós-teste de Wilcoxon ajustado para a avaliação intragrupos das amostras repetidas. Resultados: O GE apresentou menor SO2 no momento inicial (p = 0,001) enquanto a PAsis apresentou diferença estatística para os três momentos de avaliação com o GE apresentando os maiores valores. As ESV foram maiores para o GE no período de avaliação pós-operatória de 24 horas (p = 0,041). As ESSV e as catecolaminas séricas foram similares nos dois grupos. A análise intragrupo revelou diferença significativa na avaliação da PAsis para o GE com o período trans operatório apresentando os maiores valores. Já avaliação das extrassístoles demonstrou que o período pós-operatório de 24 horas teve a maioria dos eventos sendo que apenas o GC não apresentou diferença significativa para a variável ESV durante esse período (p = 0,112). Não houve depressão do segmento ST para nenhum dos grupos, ou seja, a isquemia do miocárdio não foi observada durante o estudo. Conclusões: As exodontias por via alveolar, com o uso de ALVC com epinefrina podem ser realizadas de forma segura em pacientes hipertensos. A pressão arterial sistêmica deve ser monitorada durante todo o procedimento, sobretudo nos pacientes hipertensos, devido à tendência de aumento da pressão arterial nesses pacientes. Já o nível sérico de catecolaminas não sofre alteração nas condições estudadas assim como o uso de ALVC parecem não influenciar os padrões cardiovasculares nesse tipo de cirurgia (AU).

Objectives: A blind, randomized controlled clinical trial was developed to evaluate the cardiovascular effects of local anesthetics with vasoconstrictors (LAVC) containing epinephrine in healthy and hypertensive patients undergoing teeth extraction with lidocaine 2% with epinephrine 1:100.000. Materials and methods: 20 patients were divided into control (CG ­ normotensive patients) and experimental groups (EG ­ hypertensive patients). The variables analyzed were heart rate (HR), oxygen saturation (O2S), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (sysBP and diasBP), serum catecholamines concentration (dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine), ventricular and supraventricular extrasystoles (VES and SVES respectively), and ST segment depression. Data was obtained in three different moments (initial, trans and final). Blood samples were taken to measure the catecholamines and a Holter device was used to measure data from the electrocardiogram including a 24-hour postoperative evaluation period. The Mann-Whitney test was used to identify differences between the two groups and the Friedman test with the adjusted Wilcoxon post-test were used for intragroup evaluation for repeated measures. Results: The EG presented a lower O2S in the initial period (p = 0,001) while the sysBP showed a statistical difference for the three evaluation periods with the EG presenting the highest values. The VES where higher for the EG during the 24-hour postoperative evaluation period (p = 0,041). The SVES and the serum catecholamines showed were similar between the groups. The intragroup analysis revealed significant statistical difference for the sysBP in the EG with the trans period presenting the highest measurements. The extrasystoles evaluation showed that the 24- hour postoperative period presented most events with only the CG not presenting statistical difference for the variable VES during this period (p = 0,112). No ST segment depression was noticed for both groups, ie, Myocardial ischemia was not observed. Conclusions: Teeth extraction with LAVC containing epinephrine can be safely executed in hypertensive patients. Blood pressure should be monitored during the entire procedure, especially in hypertensive patients due to a tendency to high blood pressure within these patients. Serum catecholamines concentration levels are not altered in the conditions seen in this study and the use of LAVC seem not to influence cardiovascular changes in this type of surgery (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Vasoconstrictor Agents/adverse effects , Epinephrine/adverse effects , Anesthetics, Local/adverse effects , Statistics, Nonparametric , Heart Diseases
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 22(3): 699-706, July-Sept. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406667


Abstract Objectives: to analyze the prognostic nutritional index and factors associated with mortality in children and adolescents with heart disease who underwent cardiac surgery. Methods: this is a longitudinal, retrospective study that included 98 children and adolescents with heart disease from 0 to 14 years old, and assessed the prognostic nutritional index and nutritional status, through the body mass index for age, weight for height, weight for age and height for age. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed. Results: malnutrition was present in 27 patients, 68 were categorized as having a low prognostic nutritional index and 16 died. In the adjusted analysis, malnutrition (OR=4.11; CI95%=1.26-13.40; p=0.019), the low body mass index for age (OR=4.14; CI95%=1.26-13.61; p=0.019), low weight for height (OR=4.15; CI95%=1.29-13.35; p=0.017) and low weight for age (OR=5.20; CI95%=1.39-19.43; p=0.014) were associated with mortality. Conclusions: malnutrition, low body mass index for age, weight for height and weight for age had shown a significant association with mortality. Despite being an easily applicable indicator of nutritional status, the findings suggest no association between the prognostic nutritional index and mortality in patients with congenital heart disease after cardiac surgery.

Resumo Objetivos: analisar o índice nutricional prognóstico e os fatores associados a mortalidade em crianças e adolescentescardiopatas submetidas à cirurgia cardíaca. Métodos: estudo longitudinal, retrospectivo, que incluiu 98 crianças e adolescentes cardiopatas entre zero a 14 anos e avaliou o índice nutricional prognóstico e o estado nutricional, através dos indicadores índice de massa corporal para idade, peso para estatura, peso para idade e estatura para idade. Foi realizada análise de regressão logística múltipla. Resultados: a desnutrição esteve presente em 27 pacientes, 68 foram categorizados como baixo índice nutricional prognóstico e 16 foram a óbito. Na análise ajustada, a desnutrição (OR=4,11; IC95%=1,26-13,40; p=0,019), o baixo índice de massa corporal para idade (OR=4,14; IC95%=1,26-13,61; p=0,019), o baixo peso para estatura (OR=4,15; IC95%=1,29-13,35; p=0,017) e baixo peso para idade (OR=5,20; IC95%=1,39-19,43; p=0,014) apresentaram associação com a mortalidade. Conclusão: desnutrição, baixo índice de massa corporal para idade, peso para estatura e peso para idade mostraram associação significativa com a mortalidade. Apesar de ser um indicador do estado nutricional de fácil aplicação não foi observada associação do índice nutricional prognóstico com a mortalidade em pacientes com cardiopatias congênitas após cirurgia cardíaca.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Nutrition Assessment , Nutritional Status , Malnutrition , Child Mortality , Heart Diseases/surgery , Postoperative Period , Infant Mortality , Mortality
Más Vita ; 4(2): 196-214, jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1392174


La hipertensión arterial (HTA) es una de las causas de muertes a nivel mundial, esta enfermedad incrementa significativamente los riesgos de sufrir cardiopatías, encefalopatías, nefropatías y otras enfermedades. Su prevalencia está asociada a países de bajos y medianos ingresos, y se consideran factores de riesgos al estrés, alcoholismo, obesidad, tabaquismo, drogas, alimentación, genética, raza, y ciertas patologías como diabetes mellitus, algunas de ellas consideradas como factores de riesgo modificables y que pueden ser medidas de prevención y control en su tratamiento. Objetivo: Recopilar información sobre los transcriptores riesgos modificables relacionados a la hipertensión arterial. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio es del tipo descriptivo, La metodología es una revisión narrativa, con recopilación de literatura referente al tema y disponible en la web, se emplearon los descriptores: hipertensión, factores de riesgo. Resultados: Aporte de información relevante sobre los factores de riesgos modificables entre ellos el consumo de tabaco y alcohol, reducción de peso, alimentación, actividades físicas, reducción del consumo de sal, aumento del consumo de hortalizas y frutas, además de la disminución en el consumo de alimentos grasos, sales, y un control periódico de la tensión arterial, bajo la supervisión médica que son considerados para la prevención y control de la HTA, como métodos alternativos para control y prevención de esta enfermedad. Conclusiones: Los factores de riesgo modificables que predominan son el consumo de grasas, ausencia del control del índice de masa corporal y de la presión arterial, así como el consumo excesivo de sal y presencia de estrés. Los factores de riesgo no modificables que predisponen a hipertensión arterial prevalentemente son los antecedentes familiares de HTA y de obesidad. Se ha determinado que los cambios en el estilo de vida, así como una conducta sana para la prevención y control de riesgos que son modificables atenúan la prevalencia de la misma(AU)

Arterial hypertension (AHT) is one of the causes of death at the Worldwide, this disease significantly increases the risk of heart disease, encephalopathies, nephropathies and other diseases. Its prevalence is associated with countries of low and medium income, and are considered risk factors for stress, alcoholism, obesity, smoking, drugs, food, genetics, race, and certain pathologies such as diabetes mellitus, some of them considered as modifiable risk factors and that can be prevention and control measures in their treatment. Objective: Collect information on transcriptionists modifiable risks related to hypertension arterial. Materials and methods: The study is of the descriptive type, the methodology is a narrative review, with a compilation of literature on the subject and available on the web, used the descriptors: hypertension, risk factors. Results: Contribution of relevant information on modifiable risk factors, including the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, weight reduction, nutrition, physical activities, reduction of salt intake, increased consumption of vegetables and fruits, in addition to the decrease in the consumption of fatty foods, salts, and periodic control of blood pressure, under the medical supervision that are considered for the prevention and control of hypertension, such as alternative methods for control and prevention of this disease. Conclusions: The modifiable risk factors that predominate are the consumption of fats, absence of control of body mass index and blood pressure, as well as excessive consumption of salt and presence of stress. Non-modifiable risk factors that predispose to high blood pressure are predominantly a family history of hypertension and obesity. It has been determined that changes in lifestyle, as well as behavior healthy for the prevention and control of risks that are modifiable attenuate the prevalence ofthe same(AU)

Risk Factors , Hypertension/diagnosis , Life Style , Tobacco Use Disorder , Brain Diseases , Prevalence , Alcoholism , Heart Diseases , Kidney Diseases , Obesity
J. Health NPEPS ; 7(1): 1-13, Jan-Jun, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1380551


Objetivo:traçar o perfil epidemiológico de cardiopatas que contraíram COVID-19 no primeiro ano pandêmico. Método:estudo observacional, do tipo coorte retrospectiva. Foram incluídos cardiopatas com resultado de PCR positivo, de março a dezembro de 2020. Excluíram-se os registros com dados incompletos para as variáveis analisadas. Na análise bivariada, foram calculadas as razões de prevalência (com IC 95%) como medida de associação entre a variável dependente (cardiopatia) e as variáveis independentes (idade, sexo, escolaridade e zona de residência) empregando-se o teste do χ2de Mantel Haenszel. Resultados:identificou-se associação com significância estatística em relação às variáveis faixa etária, sexo e escolaridade. O maior risco de ocorrer desfecho desfavorável, foi para a faixa etária acima de 70 anos (59,97%), seguido do intervalo de idade de 60 a 69 anos (38,31%), sexo masculino (45,28%) e escolaridade para o nível superior. Conclusão:evidenciou-se que os cardiopatas requerem maiores cuidados após o diagnóstico da doença, especialmente pelo fato deste grupo apresentar um maior índice de mortalidade.

Objective:to establish the epidemiological profile of patients with heart disease who contracted COVID-19 in the first pandemic year. Method:observational, retrospective cohort study. Patients with heart disease with positive PCR results from March to December 2020 were included. Records with incomplete data for the variables analyzed were excluded. In the bivariate analysis, the prevalence ratios (with CI 95%) were calculated as a measure of association between the dependent variable (cardiopathy) and the independent variables (age, sex, education and area of residence) using the χ2 test of Mantel Haenszel. Results:an association with statistical significance was identified in relation to the variables age, sex and education. The highest risk of an unfavorable outcome was for the age group over 70 years old (59.97%), followed by the age range from 60 to 69 years old (38.31%), male sex (45.28%) and schooling to higher level. Conclusion:it was evidenced that patients with heart disease require greater care after the diagnosis of the disease, especially because this group has a higher mortality rate.

Objetivo:establecer el perfil epidemiológico de los pacientes con cardiopatías que contrajeron COVID-19 en el primer año de pandemia. Método:estudio observacional de cohortes retrospectivo. Se incluyeron pacientes con cardiopatías con PCR positiva de marzo a diciembre de 2020. Se excluyeron los registros con datos incompletos para las variables analizadas. En el análisis bivariado se calcularon las razones de prevalencia (con IC 95%) como medida de asociación entre la variable dependiente (cardiopatía) y las variables independientes (edad, sexo, escolaridad y zona de residencia) mediante la prueba de χ2 de Mantel Haenszel. Resultados:se identificó una asociación con significancia estadística en relación a las variables edad, sexo y escolaridad. El mayor riesgo dedesenlace desfavorable fue para el grupo de edad de más de 70 años (59,97%), seguido del rango de edad de 60 a 69 años (38,31%), sexo masculino (45,28%) y nivel de escolaridad superior. Conclusión:se evidenció que los pacientes con cardiopatía requieren mayor cuidado luego del diagnóstico de la enfermedad, sobre todo porque este grupo presenta una mayor tasa de mortalidad.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome , COVID-19 , Heart Diseases